May The Future Arrive In 2016

I wait patiently for the future, but the future never quite gets here. When I think the future is close, its suddenly further away than ever. I see it in my head, but I can’t get my fingers into my brain to drag it out.

My skin wrinkles whilst I wait for the future to come. I wait on a bench, I put cookies and milk out for it. I scream for it. I make blood rituals for it. Sometimes Gods and drunks approach me, but never the future.

Maybe I should just give up on the future, you can only wait so long.


Missing Self

I lost my self. I’m not sure where it went, but I lost it. It happened around Christmas, one night when I was staring at the fairy lights stuck around the bedroom window. They dazzled me, despite how cheap they were. They brought a warm glow to the room, and the next day, my self had gone out with the lights. Continue reading

Licking The Pear Drop

I didn’t break into Oswaldtwistle Mills one night to lick the ‘World’s Largest Pear Drop’ due to a love of sweets, I was more a savoury kind of guy. No, I licked the pear drop for the worst reason in the book; for a girl.

Chloe was perhaps the best thing that had ever happened to me, and not a lot of good stuff did happen to me. She was dazzling, funny, and shared a love for cheese toasties, making her pretty much the one for me, that one in a million. But she also had a wild side which I did not, for sometimes she liked to push the boundaries of society by smashing some plates, or something equally wild. I felt I couldn’t keep up with this side of her, and ultimately she’d grow bored with our relationship, and run off with a kleptomaniac or an arsonist. This sort of thing happens more than you’d think. Continue reading